Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Lame Entry #5: Mr. Ruiz Where Are You?

Now you are gone like a fart in the wind. Where is our beloved Mr. Unicorn? We miss the way your teach english, but now sadly we graduate. We miss the way you chew like a goat. Meh Meh Meh you fabulous goat man, no one compares to you. We mis the way you say "heeey!" when we slightly say something tastefully offensive. Don't forget us (remember I know your expiration date). Not seeing you feels like releasing a shiny HO-HO (it's pokémon you un educated peasants). Good bye, farewell. Fly, soar and reach for the skies you magnificent beast!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lame Journal Entry #4: Wasting Time

(some people waste time but I do very important things in my spare time.)
I waste time when I'm relaxing. I'm busy most of the time because I have a job. I constantly have to practice ballet in my spare time, I have school work to do and I have people to tutor. I think my time is very valuable and I cant waste it. I barely waste time and when I do I spend it relaxing and listening to music. No matter how busy my schedule can get I must find time to relax, otherwise I will get very stressed.

Lame Journal Entry #3: The Last Time I Ran

The last time I ran was yesterday (August 29, 2012). I ran because I saw Francisco on the other side of the school and I wanted to see him. I ran over to him from the second floor of the building to the other side where the computer lab is located. When I got there I said hello to him and to his other friends. I showed him my new jacket and I hugged him. I gained a big hug from a good friend. That was the last time I ran.

Lame Journal Entry #2: Blessings

One of the blessings God has given me so many blessings, hope I can writ them all. God ha blessed me with good friends like Grisell, Sara, Hector, Kevin, Xavier, Pedro and Michael. Those are the names of my best friends. They are very important to me because they are kind, loyal and good listeners. We treat each other with lots of love.

One of my other blessings is financial. Thanks to that I go to a good school, I have nice things and I live in a beautiful home. I have been blessed with good teachers, also some people don't have great teacher like me. I'm also blessed to have been born here because I could have been born in a bad country. I am very thankful.

Lame Journal Entry #1: The End Of Humanity

Its August 9th. It's been two months since that day when the K.K.K clan killed every last colored being in the world. They Killed every catholic, christian or jew that refused to be part of them. We're all being hunted down by a bunch of new world Hitlers. We run for days, even months until we can find somewhere to hide. Food and water are very hard to find now. I can't trust anyone but myself. Anyone from thne K.K.K. clan can be blending in with us, the survivors.

It all started when the K.K.K. clan killed Obama. It was June 9th, it was the start of a warm summer and a very tragic one too. I remember watching the news on the television just before the K.K.K. started to blow up houses in poor communities. I knew my friends and I where in trouble so we ran. We didn't stop until we found the survivors who were heading east, the only place that wasn't being watched by the K.K.K. There we could catch a plane to Antarctica, the only place they hadn't touched. We could live like Eskimos and start a new generation, one that would reclaim fair life on Earth for future generations.

As we started life in the icy lands I knew we where being watched. Suddenly a man popped out of the snow and grabbed Grisell, he jumped off the edge and screamed "K.K.K. forever!" as he fell. That day I promised myself I would avenge my best friend. If you find this journal, I'm probably with the troops fighting the clan. My advice is run or fight back.